A determined little gecko named Mo‘o wants to try ice cream for the first time,

but getting a taste proves to be more difficult than he thought.

Will he get a taste of ice cream or not?

Click here to buy the paperback version on Amazon

Click here to buy the digital version on Amazon



CLICK HERE to print your free Mo'o coloring sheet!


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Who loves blackberries? Everyone, at least until an unwanted guest turns up. An excellent book for young children to sound out fun words and learn something about wild animals that eat blackberries.

This easy riddle book celebrates each new baby animal's arrival using fun facts and visual cues to help young children guess which whose birthday is being celebrated.

Julie discovers where crystals come from, and how much the terminology used to describe their properties sounds like words used in our everyday lives, but means something very different! Fits right in to standard mineral studies for 4th grade students.

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For every 7

kids‘ books sold,

Lisa gives a child

in Lahaina

a free copy.



to see a video about Mo'o.

Click on this link to see more of Lisa's artwork in books published by Arbordale Publishing

All Arbordale books are available as hardcover, paperback or eBooks, and include a Creative Minds section in the back that makes learning fun!

CLICK HERE to download this rhino driving a sports car!

CLICK HERE to download this flamingo blowing out birthday candles!

CLICK HERE to download this whale wrapping a present (with help from two friends)!